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Internet Site

Internet Site is an extension to Apple Computer's PowerTalk technology. Through PowerTalk, Internet Site allows you to save URLs of Internet resources as PowerTalk Personal Catalog items.

As you may or may not know, PowerTalk is a set Macintosh operating system extensions optionally installed under System 7 Pro, System 7.5, or later. PowerTalk can integrate things like email and remote AppleShare servers more completely into the Macintosh's user interface. Using Internet Site, Internet resources can be more completely integrated into the interface as well.

After installing PowerTalk and after dragging the two files comprising the Internet Site "application" (Internet Site and Site Collection) into the Extensions Folder of your System Folder, two new menu items appear under your PowerTalk's Catalog menu: New Site and New Site Collection. By selecting "New Site" a new item is added to your presently opened Personal Catalog. After opening the new item you are given the opportunity to change its name, give it a verbose description, select an Internet "scheme" (mailto, gopher, http, wais, etc.), enter information used to complete a URL, and finally, a graphic. Lastly, your have the option to clicking the "Go" button. Doing so launches an Internet application associated with the URL. Consequently, you can create dozens of these Sites saving them as files on your hard disk or sharing them with other PowerTalk users.

To create associations between Internet "schemes" and applications on your computer, you can select "AppleScript" from the pop-up menu within an Internet Site document. There you can change what application gets sent the "GURL" AppleEvent as described in the previous chapter "Extending WWW Browsers Through AppleEvents and AppleScripts". Additionally, you can change the AppleEvents sent by Internet Site to something completely different from GURL, and you can change the parameters that get sent to the application as well. These features are not for the light-hearted, especially since few people have experience with PowerTalk in the first place.

Since PowerTalk's Catalogs are not hierarchal, Internet Site comes with another template called "Site Collection". This template allows you to drop Internet Site documents onto Site Collection files, thus organizing your collection of Internet resources.

Internet Site is the most powerful URL manager "application" described here. It takes advantage of some of the more robust features of the Macintosh operating system and applies them to the Internet resources. Unfortunately, this application may not find a wide following since the use of the PowerTalk technology is barely being used.

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Eric last edited this page on September 26, 1995. Please feel free to send comments.